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Menges, E. S., and O. L. Loucks. 1984. Modeling a disease-caused patch disturbance: Oak wilt in the Midwestern United States. Ecology 65:487-98.

Menges, E.S. & D.M. Waller. 1983. Plant strategies in relation to elevation and light in floodplain herbs. The American Naturalist. 122: 454-473.

Kline, V. M., and G. Cottam. 1979. Vegetation response to climate and fire in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin. Ecology 60:861-68.

Peet, R. K., and O. L. Loucks. 1977. A gradient analysis of southern Wisconsin upland forests. Ecology 58:485-99.

Fralish, J. S., and O. L. Loucks. 1975. Site quality evaluation models for aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) in Wisconsin. Can. J. For. Res. 5:523-28

Beals, E. W. 1973. Ordination: Mathematical elegance and ecological naiveté. J. Ecol. 61:23-35.

Auclair, A. N., and G. Cottam. 1971. The dynamics of black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) in the understories of southern Wisconsin oak forests. Ecol. Monogr. 41:153-77.

Loucks, O. L. 1970. Evolution of diversity, efficiency and community stability. Am. Zool. 10:17-25.

Loucks, O. L. 1968. Scientific areas in Wisconsin: Fifteen years in review. BioScience 18(5):396-98.

Loucks, O. L. 1962. Ordinating forest communities by means of environmental scalars and phytosociological indices. Ecol. Mongr. 32:137-66.

Struik, G. and J. T. Curtis. 1962. Herb Distribution in an Acer saccharum Forest. American Midland Naturalist. 68: 285-296.

Beals, E. W. 1960. Forest bird communities in the Apostle Islands of Wisconsin. Wilson Bull. 72:156-81.

Maycock, P. F. and J. T. Curtis. 1960. The Phytosociology of Boreal Conifer-Hardwood Forests of the Great Lakes Region. Ecological Monographs. 30: 1-36.

Christensen, E. M., J. J. Clausen & J. T. Curtis. 1959. Phytosociology of the Lowland Forests of Northern Wisconsin. American Midland Naturalist. 62: 232-247.

Orpurt, P. A. and J. T. Curtis. 1957. Soil Microfungi in Relation to the Prairie Continuum in Wisconsin. Ecology. 38: 628-637.

Bray, R. J. and J. T. Curtis. 1957. An Ordination of the Upland Forest Communities of Southern Wisconsin. Ecological Monographs. 27: 326-349.

Curtis, J. T. 1956. A Prairie Continuum in Wisconsin - Correction. Ecology. 37: 378

Curtis, J.T. 1956. The modification of mid-latitude grasslands and forests by man. In Man's role in changing the face of the earth, ed. W. L. Thomas, Jr., 721-36. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.