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Data Use Policy

D. Guidelines regarding collaborations, authorship, and acknowledgement

We encourage collaborations and wide use of these datasets. These data are available for all educational purposes and for researchers seeking to test hypotheses that will advance our understanding of these ecological systems. Anyone interested in for-profit use of these data should discuss details of these uses with one of the contacts listed above.

As noted in C.1., the original / historical Curtis plant community data are all fully available for use by any researcher or educator. Such users should acknowledge the original researchers who collected and analyzed those data (Table 1).

Table 1 . Researchers involved in the initial plant community surveys with J.T. Curtis.



Northern Upland Forests

F.W. Stearns, R.T. Brown, M.L. Gilbert, W.E. Randall, O. Anderson

Northern Lowland Forests

H.A. Goder, J. J. Jones, E.M. Christensen, R.T.Ward

Southern Upland Forests

R.P. McIntosh, P.W. Whitford, G. Cottam, M.L. Partch, M. L. Gilbert, W.E. Randall

Southern Lowland Forests

G.H. Ware, R.A. Dietz


O. Anderson, M.L. Partch, P. Green, L. D. Bard, B.G. Wagner, H.C. Greene

Oak Savannas

J. R. Bray, G. Cottam, A.B. Stout

Pine Barrens

R.T. Brown

Boreal Forest

P.F. Maycock

The data generated by later researchers also involve several different plant communities as well as a variety of other kinds of data related to local site and surrounding landscape conditions (Tables 2 and 3). The lead individuals involved in designing these studies and in collecting, checking, and synchronizing these data with the historical surveys are listed. The Tables also list timelines for fully releasing these data for open public access.

Table 2 . Contacts for use of community resample data and scheduled release year for plant data.


Research contacts

Release date

Northern Upland Forests

Dave Rogers

Don Waller


Northern Lowland Forests

Matt Bushman

Emmet Judziewicz


Southern Upland Forests

Dave Rogers

Don Waller


Southern Lowland Forests

Sarah Johnson

Don Waller


Dry Prairies

Sarah Kraszewski

Don Waller


Mesic Prairies

Mark Leach

Tom Givnish


Oak Savannas

Mark Leach

Tom Givnish


Cedar Glades

Jason Mills

Tim Allen


Apostle Islands

Sarah Johnson

Don Waller Erika Mudrak


Beech Forests

Dave Rogers

Don Waller